DiMiCare – Newsletter 3


The DimiCare project has reached a major milestone!

The pilot phase has been completed, with over 80 care workers (in training) and over 20 health educators testing our training course and microlearning units. We are currently reviewing their feedback to improve our materials, which will be available on the DimiCare website by the end of October 2024.

Are you interested in the insights from the participants in Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands? Watch our video with testimonials from trainers and students who have tested the DimiCare training materials! You can access the video on the project website and on LinkedIn.

Looking ahead: Join us in Vienna on 17 October 2024 for the Erasmus+ Days, where we will be showcasing the project alongside other exciting initiatives.

Read all about it in Newsletter 3 or on our Website to find out more!

DiMiCare – Newsletter 3