We have some news about the SmartHome4Seniors project!

Our team took a big step and built the first Kit, which will help seniors to get a better understanding of Smart home. We are seven partners from all around the world who met in Athens to discuss further details. During this event, we had the opportunity to receive training on a kit to understand the benefits of Smart home better. The training sessions were intensive and hands-on, providing us with valuable programming skills and a deep understanding of the kit’s functionalities.

With this comprehensive kit, we aim to revolutionize the way seniors engage with technology, ensuring their active participation and enhanced well-being. By integrating user-friendly interfaces and tailored features, we are confident that seniors will gain new digital skills and enjoy a more connected and independent lifestyle.

Soon the piloting phase will start, where we need some Volunteers (55+) to try out our Kit.
Stay tuned for more Information!
